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The Performance Series

Maximise your entertainment

Without mains power, no audio or audio-visual component could function. Your musical enjoyment is reduced by poor mains quality due to contamination – this can be from either Differential or Common Mode mains noise. Differential Mode noise is created by the power supplies in all electronic devices, while Common Mode noise is introduced by RFI and the wireless communications that are increasingly becoming part of our lives.

With the Performance series you will hear significantly better sound quality, with more detail and greater dynamic range. All of your components will be improved and protected, allowing you to realize the best possible performance whenever you listen.

The Performance Products

V5 Sirius

The new V5 Sirius is an ultra-high performance 16A power bar, harnessing IsoTek’s latest mains power cleaning technology, which both protects and improves your audio systems performance.

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V5 Aquarius

The original Aquarius was one of the most cost-effective power cleaning upgrades money could buy. The new V5 model takes the Aquarius concept to a higher level. Two high-current outlets are provided for amplifiers, subwoofers and so on, with four medium-current sockets for other components.

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V5 Syncro Uni 16

The V5 Syncro Uni 16 can be used independently for a single component, or in combination with another IsoTek power cleaner as an upgrade and to deliver a fully rebalanced sine wave across all output sockets & eliminating DC.

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EVO3 Premier

Premier delivers excellent performance, and also represents outstanding value-for-money. No compromise has been made in relation to the quality of parts and materials used in its construction.

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EVO3 Elite

Elite offer fantastic extension and frequency range, lowering noise floor and making an exceptionally stable sound stage. Another top class cable at a very reasonable price point.

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EVO3 Syncro

Syncro is a high performance power cable, which incorporates unique DC-cancelling electronics, that rebalances the mains sine wave on the zero volts line to dramatically reduce/silence transformer hum.

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The Performance Awards & Reviews

Event / Show
High End Munich 2026


You will find us here:

Not yet available.

Event / Show
High End Munich 2025


You will find IsoTek here:

Hall 3, M10/N11

Event / Show
Ultimate Sessions

Ultimate Audio will present their Ultimate Sessions Extreme from April 4th to 6th at Hotel Palacio Estoril in Portugal.

Award / Review
V5 Sirius

“..the common belief that a power filter will choke your dynamics didn’t seem to apply here. On the contrary, the bass even gained punch, and the brass instruments definitely increased in details and intensity. Overall, the recording felt “awakened”, more alive and diverse.“

Daniel Březina – June 2023

Award / Review
V5 Sirius – i-fidelity

“we are also aware of positive sonic effects of this magnitude from other mains filters, but never before has there been this result with a three-digit price tag.”

Olaf Sturm – April 2023

Award / Review
V5 Aquarius – Best Pick 2023


“Power Conditioner of the Year“ – Roman Maier


Award / Review
V5 Aquarius – Prestige


V5 Aquarius won the Grand Prix award from Audio Accessory magazine (Japan).

Award / Review
V5 Aquarius –

“..the IsoTek Aquarius V5 .. has noticeably improved the performance of my hi-fi system.”

Recommended – Reference Class

Jonas Bednarz – October 2022

Award / Review
V5 Aquarius – Audiotechnique

“V5 Aquarius not only had the ability to protect your equipment, and it clean up the dirty mains electricity but most importantly, it doesn’t alter the equipments tonality’s characteristics…. We believe V5 Aquarius has a high chance to be the ‘Hot Item’ of the 2022.”

Audiotechnique, January 2022

Award / Review
V5 Aquarius – i-Fidelity


“Time-consuming tests show that the V5 Aquarius is audibly more effective than its predecessor.

Sound quality: outstanding”

Olaf Sturm, October 2021

Award / Review
V5 Aquarius – Hi-Fi+


“The V5 improved on the EVO3 in each area of performance, and then went further, it drew the sound together in the way only the very finest of this type of product can.

Alan Sircom, October 2021

Award / Review
EVO3 Syncro Uni – Noble DC monitor for clean sound

“Upgrading the audio system can be so easy: As a compact unit, the IsoTek EVO3 Syncro Uni protects all components from unwanted DC that can degrade the sound – and this DC-cancellation results in astonishing changes in the sound .. The system gains vitality, clarity and dynamics as well as a further expanded soundstage.”

Award / Review
Cable of the Year – and the hum goes away

“It’s surprising just how much noise we put up with in audio, especially when the cure is so easy. You plug the EVO3 Syncro Uni in between the system and the wall, and the hum goes away.”


Award / Review
Sirius Appeal

“For the characteristics that Sirius brings to the party, it is a conditioner that will really appeal to jazz, classical and acoustic music. It’s one of those devices that once you take it out of your Hifi playing this type of music, you probably won’t want to go back to how things were before.”

Award / Review
Jack of all Trades

“The Aquarius is extremely capable at all levels. A proverbial jack of all trades, a component that forces more music out of your hifi, and one that is very dynamically capable. If you’ve got a good hifi, it will transport it to a new level.”

Award / Review
EVO3 Syncro Uni is Hi-Fi+ Award Winner 2019

“The EVO3 Syncro Uni is a perfect introduction to IsoTek, as it offers almost no disruption in your existing system (except for the purchase of a single additional power cord) and offers a noticeable and repeatable performance boost.”

Award / Review
Performance Boost

“The EVO3 Syncro Uni is a perfect introduction to IsoTek, as it offers almost no disruption in your existing system (except for the purchase of a single additional power cord) and offers a noticeable and repeatable performance boost.”

Award / Review
EVO3 Sirius

“A distinct lift in overall musical performance.”


Award / Review

“Excellent value for money… A great real-world product that is useful and inexpensively upgrades your system”


Award / Review
Sirius Addition

“It’s effective, well priced and clearly makes the case for adding mains products to Hi-Fi systems.”

Sirius Power

IsoTek launches Sirius: a new mains conditioning
power strip that’s as innovative as it is affordable.

Award / Review
High Recommendations

“With the EVO3 Syncro Uni… I am instantly aware of an increase in the spaciousness that’s around the instrument…vocals are more lucid, and the powerful bass has a more forceful punch. It is an effective addition to my setup.”

Award / Review
Effective Improvement

“An effective improvement to a good hi-fi system, this serious product justifies its price.”

Perfect synchronization with the Syncro Uni!

The Syncro Uni is an evolution of the
multi-award-winning EVO3 Syncro which
was originally launched in 2014.

Award / Review
Recommended with Conviction

“I would report (with the EVO3 Aquarius) a general improvement in the focus of the sound message and a more immediate intelligibility of the space of the acoustic scene….for now I would recommend this product with conviction.”

Award / Review
Background in total silence

“Background became totally silent, with not even the tiniest amount of hiss when the amplifier’s volume was cranked up to maximum, whereas it was there before the Aquarius was introduced. I heard no hums or buzzes either.”

Award / Review
Noticable Difference

“After I had connected the Aquarius to my main system, I immediately noticed a difference – such clarity and a new-fond freshness and calmness in the sound. I could not stop grinning! The Aquarius is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.”

Award / Review
Double Best Accessory Awards from Hi-Fi Voice

EVO3 Aquarius is awarded first place in Best Accessory category of Hi-Fi Voice “Product of the Year 2016”, and EVO3 Initium is awarded third place.

Award / Review
Effective Upgrade

“The IsoTek EVO3 Syncro is definitely an effective upgrade for EVO3 Aquarius. It also reduces the risk of humming power transformers in components and supports the Aquaruis, as the entire system upgrade.”


Award / Review
Syncro offers serious improvements.

“It’s really not a question of whether to purchase, but when – which of course comes down to each individual’s budget. But the key point is that Syncro is unique, and uniquely effective; there has never been a proper solution to the problem(…), until now.”


Where to buy

Clean Power for 50+ Countries

IsoTek collaborates with trusted distributors worldwide to ensure top-quality support for its products and provide you with exceptional local service from certified professionals. Choose your country to find an authorized IsoTek supplier near you.


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